
Bunk Beds

Choosing you Kids Bunk Beds and how to make a decision on colours and frames

Bunkbeds are an ideal way to save space in a kids bedroom. Allowing two kids to sleep in the same floor space as one!

Kids Furniture and Bunkbeds for the Bedroom

A bunkbed is a vertical stack of two beds. Metal poles or wooden beams connect the bottom bed to the top bed . A ladder is used to get up to the top bunk. The ladder is usually attached to the bed or can be moved to different positions around the top bunk.

They are often used in kid's rooms and allow a family to put two beds in the space of a single bed. Bunk beds save space and assist families with small apartments or houses to have enough beds for their children. Boys themed beds and girls themed beds are also an option to make sleeping more fun (and playtime)

Information on Bunkbeds for your Children's Bedroom and lofts where space is restricted and storage is an important requirement. Bunkbeds provide space saving sleeping solutions for small rooms.


If you have any comments or suggestions on bunkbeds or where you have purchased them either online or in-store, please share it with others by completing the form below and publishing it on our site. Thank you!

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